Albizzini Palace, Burri Collection
The Albizzini Palace is a noble Renaissance Palace, created in the Tuscan style (late 15th century) with a slender design and elegant proportions and since 1981 has been site of the Master, Alberto Burri's precious Collection that he donated to the town. Burri's collection is one of the richest and most organic collection's from one of the most important 20th century artist's. The realisation of this museum, unique in the world, is Burri's gift to his home town and birth place, displaying the wonderful works of his original and innovative artistic designs and it allows for the full reading of it as a unique itinerary. It is based on an anthology from 1948 to 1998 divided into twenty rooms relating to the subjects of painting, sculpture, graphic designs (also kept at the nearby Galleria delle Arti (Art Gallery)), many sketches for the bigger creations and cuttings and also for set designs and theatres.