Arboreal Archeology Collection
Arboreal Archeology Collection has been created thanks to the research and studies conducted by the Archaeological Arboreal Association whose objective was to investigate, protect and spread species and local varieties bearing. Every year more and more definitively disappeared varieties and ecotypes, so research on old varieties of fruit plants from the beginning had primary object is to save them. The research began in the 70s in the area around the High Tiber Valley taking into consideration the traditions and folkways, farming systems and food history. The plants are grown with the traditional systems of place and so far have been collected and planted about 400 varieties of apple, pear, peach, plum, fig, cherry, almond, mountain ash, medlar, grapes and jujube. The collection is open to the public, is located on the farm of San Lorenzo in Lerchi, a few kilometers from the center of Città di Castello, and is regularly visited by technical associations that deal with land and the environment, as well as students of school and university.