Montesca Manor
"A superb Italian landscape, urban and natural, a perfect natural combination unreachable by men…a so harmonious vision…"
This is Guido Ceronetti's view given when he visited Città di Castello and possibly it inspired Baron Leopoldo Franchetti at the end of 19th Century, who decided to build his villa on the Montesca Hill. A Senator and philanthropist, Leopoldo Franchetti occupies an important place in Città di Castello's history. At the time of his death, he left settlers as owners of his lands.
The Villa overlooks the entire valley, and is surrounded by a secular park, rich in very rare botanical species .
It houses, in its wide rooms, university and high education classes, and also many environmentalist and pedagogic events in memory of Maria Montessori, a friend of Alice Hallgarten, the baron's wife, who whilst staying here made much of her famous research and experimentation.
The nearby park is fully equipped for camping.