Città di Castello

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The corallina is a sausage very popular in the region. From the small size, it is one of the many typical Umbrian salami.
Its characteristic is to be done for three quarters by a very fine paste of noble parts (the fat) of heavy pigs, to which is added a portion of fat, cut into cubes, creating large holes in the finished product.
and 'excellent filling for sandwiches and as a component Umbrian appetizer mixed.




Capocollo and the lombetto are two products very popular in the Umbrian pork products, especially welcome to prepare appetizers, or to fill the easter cake and the text.
Moreover, their preparation began around Christmas, when the cold temperature made ​​it possible to begin the slaughter, then prolonging the ripening in the cold months of winter and early spring.
Around March-April, the anniversary falls on Easter and the rites of the church merged with the rhythms of nature.
Now, thanks to cold storage, you can store these products (and not only them) throughout the year, so their consumption is seasonally adjusted, so it is frequently consume the easter cake with capocollo even in August.




Made in the entire region , the " traditional ham Umbria " is the most popular product of the butchery . In all rural areas of Umbria has always lived the rite of " dividing the pig" during Christmas and winter .
with characteristics similar to prosciutto di Norcia , the traditional ham is made ​​from the haunches of " heavy pig" ( over 150 kg) , fed with feed business , excess vegetables for family consumption , sometimes with acorns great size and shape " pear " without paws, leg is dry salted with coarse salt and with the addition of pepper and crushed garlic .
After the salting period of 30-40 days , they are washed with warm water and then a second and a cover with salted lard and pepper. Then allow to ripen naturally ventilated cellars .
This last phase is just a characteristic of the region , crossed by dry winds of the north ( the north wind ) , which are a prerequisite for seasoning.



After separating Hams, shoulders and capocollo, the remaining meat of the pig were used for the production of salami, sausages and frankfurters, to be cooked fresh or mature.
the characteristic of the sausages is represented by the sauce: garlic, salt and plenty of ground black pepper, which make this sausage particularly appetizing.
for fresh consumption, remember the recipe sausage with grapes, typical autumn or sausage stew, and one with roasted potatoes and rosemary abundant. Fresh sausage is crumbled for the preparation of sauces, such as the charcuterie, or what you use to flavor the polenta, spread on the "baking board," where a sausage in the center represents the reward for those who eat more quickly. Another combination is the sausage on the grill, split in two and made stuff, along with the cooked vegetables, a piece of cake to the text.